霍尼韦尔honeywell 7800麻豆国产在线精品国偷产拍
对于需要在有限的时间内完成多项工作的移动工作者来说,霍尼韦尔的Dolphin® 7800企业专用数字助理(EDA)能够以台式机的速度提供多用途计算、通信和数据采集,使工作者无论在任何地点都能够完成全部任务。
霍尼韦尔honeywell 7800手持终端实物图

Dolphin7800 企业数字助理 Accessories
7800-CB-1 Dolphin 7800 Charge Base - US Kit. Four-bay terminal charging cradle. Includes US power cord and power supply
7800-EHB-1 Dolphin 7800 eBase - US Kit. Single bay charging cradle with USB and Ethernet connection, and auxiliary battery well for charging an extra battery. Includes US power cord and power supply
7800-HB-1 Dolphin 7800 HomeBase - US Kit. Charging cradle with USB and auxiliary battery well for charging an extra battery. Includes US power cord and power supply
7800-MB-12-A Dolphin 7800 mobiles Base Vehicle Kit. Includes mobiles charging cradle, 12V cigarette lighter power adapter and Arkon mounting bracket
7800-MB-12-R Dolphin 7800 mobiles Base Vehicle Kit. Includes mobiles charging cradle, 12V cigarette lighter power adapter and RAM mounting bracket
7800-NB-1 Dolphin 7800 Net Base - US Kit. Four-slot Ethernet charging and communication cradle. Incluses serial cable and US power cord/power supply.
7800-MC Dolphin 7800 mobiles Charge Cable kit. Includes 12V vehicle charging adapter and terminal cup
7800-QC-1 Dolphin 7800 Quad Charger - US Kit. Four-slot battery charging station. Includes US power cord and power supply.
7800-USB-1 Dolphin 7800 USB Client Charging and Communications Cable with snap on terminal
connector cup - kit includes power supply, power cord and US adapter
7800-USBH-1 Dolphin 7800 USB Host Charging and Communications Cable with snap on terminal connector cup - kit includes power supply, power cord and US adapter
300001590 Dolphin 99EX/7800 QuadCharger, HomeBase, eBase Power Supply (no cable)
300001640 Dolphin 99EX/7800 Net Base and ChargeBase Power Supply (no cable)
77900506E Cable: power cord, power supply to AC outlet, straight, 1.8m (6.0ft)
7800-BTXC Dolphin 7800 Extended Battery Pack (Li-ion, 3.7V, 14.8 Watt Hour)
7800-BTXCW Dolphin 7800 Extended Battery Pack (Li-ion, 3.7V, 14.8 Watt Hour) for healthcare
7800-BTSC Dolphin 7800 Standard Battery Pack (Li-ion, 3.7V, 8.9 Watt Hour)
80000355E 6 ft. (1.8m) USB Cable
7800-HOLSTER Dolphin 7800 carrying holster with STD integrated belt clip and spare battery pouch
7800-SCRPRO3 Dolphin 7800 screen protectors (3-pack)
7800-STRAP Dolphin 7800 hand strap kit. Includes mounting hardware
7800-STRAPHC Dolphin 7800 healthcare hand strap kit. Includes mounting hardware
7800-STYLUS3 Dolphin 7800 stylus with tether ki STD t. Can be used on terminal and bases (3-pack)
7800-STYLUS3HC Dolphin 7800 healthcare stylus with tet STD her kit. Can be used on terminal and bases (3-pack)
MSDM-8GB 8 GB Micro-SD Memory Card
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霍尼韦尔honeywell 7800麻豆国产在线精品国偷产拍参数
操作温度 -10° to 50°C (14° to 122°F)
存储温度 -20° to 70°C (-13° to 158°F)
湿度 0 ~ 95%相对湿度(无凝结)
抗摔程度 能够承受1.5m高处到水泥地面的多次摔落
抗翻滚程度 依照IEC 60068-2-32标准能够承受近1600(1M)次翻滚
ESD ±15KV空气放电和 ±8KV 接触放电
环境密封 防水和防尘等级经独立认证达到IP54
处理器 800MHz TI OMAP
操作系统 Microsoft?Windows?Embedded Handheld 6.5
内存 256 MB RAM X 512 MB Flash
显示器 3.5英寸VGA,彩色、高分辨率、全角度可视、阳光下可读的屏幕
触控板 4线电阻工业级触控板,支持指触和触摸笔
键盘 标准键盘:30键数字式和46键QWERTY
音频 扬声器、HAC接收器、麦克风、振动器、回声消除器、支持Bluetooth?耳机
I/O接口 USB2.0
摄像头 300万象素摄像头;自动对焦;LED闪光灯
传感器 3-Axis/2g 运动传感器
存储扩展 Micro SD插槽(SDHC兼容)。请与GDK代表确认支持的存储卡
电池 标准:Li-ion 3.7 V, 2300 mAh; 扩容: Li-ion 3.7 V, 4000 mAh
运作时间 标准/扩容: 6.5小时/12小时(通过WLAN每9秒解码和发送一次数据)
扫描引擎 支持以下Adaptus6.0影像扫描引擎: N5603-SR、N5603-ER
解码能力 解读标准1D和2D条码体系
开发环境 霍尼韦尔SDK for Microsoft Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5